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About the author

Discovery of the New World is a work written by a Quebecer who has suffered from paranoid schizophrenia since the turn of the 21st century. He believes that he communicates with spirits and that most of the content of his writings was inspired by these communications. The content illustrates, among other things, his identity, attitude, values, opinions, beliefs and knowledge resulting from his experience with this illness since before his symptoms even emerged. He states theories from his own point of view.


“I was born in 1976 and diagnosed in February 1999 with schizophreniform psychosis, and a year later with paranoid schizophrenia. I have experienced triggering by drugs, isolation, quitting university, wearing handcuffs, a night in a cell, being hospitalized 4 times for a total of over 9 months, experiencing the Truman Show delusion, believing I communicate with spirits, hearing voices, feeling spied on and persecuted, living on welfare (nearly 10 years), experiencing stigma and so on, and in February 2024 I have completed my 11th year of steady full-time employment. I have been happily married and a homeowner since 2017. Much of my story is described in my blog, along with some of my best suggestions. You will also find some of my artistic works. Feel free to send me a message in the Contact section of the blog if you have any questions and thank you in advance for your comments.”

Here are a few drawings and musical recordings of the author
Ma jungle d'idées noiresPsychospirit
00:00 / 01:45
A Silence that Speaks for ItselfPsychospirit
00:00 / 01:34
Nelligan 4X6.jpg

Émile Nelligan (1879 - 1941)

scan 1 4x6.jpg

John Forbes Nash (1928 - 2015)

 Discover also these other texts from the same author:
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« I want to live in a world:
-Where responsible actions are proportionately rewarded.
-Where the judges of virtue that we look up to and refer to are not using criteria made to evaluate entertainment, but rather those to evaluate responsible actions.
-Where the wealthy are only those who are examples of how to behave responsibly.
-Where we are rationed by people who know what they are doing.
-Where power is not left in selfish hands.
-Where the cake is broccoli, and we want it and have to earn it.
-Where Hawk Tuah is allowed but doesn't take over the world.
-Where people are motivated and well rewarded for recovering from schizophrenia. »

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